Friday Jul 26, 2024
Jia Chen Year, Xin Wei Month, Xin Mao Day

24 Solar Terms

The 24 Solar Terms was created by the farmers in ancient China, it's used to guide the agricultural affairs and farming activities. Based on the sun's position in the zodiac, the 24 solar terms adopts the cycle of the earth's revolution around the sun, which basically summarizes the different positions of the sun on the ecliptic at different times of the year, the exact time of four seasons, the occurrence rules of natural phenomena like rainfall and snowfall, and the time of some phenological phenomena in nature. The 24 solar terms are determined according to the positions of the earth in the ecliptic (i.e. the earth's orbit around the sun) and each corresponds to a certain position of the sun every time it moves 15 degrees on the ecliptic.
Date and Time Information of 24 Solar Terms in 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021
Solar Terms2023202420252026
Slight Cold (Xiǎohán, 小寒) January 05 10:54 PM January 06 04:47 AM January 05 10:31 AM January 05 04:24 PM
Great Cold (Dàhán, 大寒) January 20 04:19 PM January 20 10:06 PM January 20 04:00 AM January 20 09:46 AM
Vernal Begins (Lìchūn, 立春) February 04 10:33 AM February 04 04:25 PM February 03 10:10 PM February 04 04:03 AM
Rain Water (Yǔshuǐ, 雨水) February 19 06:24 AM February 19 12:12 PM February 18 06:05 PM February 18 11:51 PM
Insects Awaken (Jīnzhé, 惊蛰) March 06 04:29 AM March 05 10:19 AM March 05 04:04 PM March 05 09:58 PM
Vernal Equinox (Chūnfēn, 春分) March 21 05:15 AM March 20 11:04 AM March 20 04:57 PM March 20 10:41 PM
Clear and Bright (Qīngmíng, 清明) April 05 09:07 AM April 04 02:57 PM April 04 08:42 PM April 05 02:35 AM
Grain Rain (Gǔyǔ, 谷雨) April 20 04:07 PM April 19 09:55 PM April 20 03:47 AM April 20 09:31 AM
Summer Begins (Lìxià, 立夏) May 06 02:15 AM May 05 08:03 AM May 05 01:48 PM May 05 07:41 PM
Grain Full (Xiǎomǎn, 小满) May 21 03:04 PM May 20 08:53 PM May 21 02:44 AM May 21 08:28 AM
Grain in Ear (Mángzhǒng, 芒种) June 06 06:15 AM June 05 12:02 PM June 05 05:47 PM June 05 11:40 PM
Summer Solstice (Xiàzhì, 夏至) June 21 10:53 PM June 21 04:43 AM June 21 10:33 AM June 21 04:16 PM
Slight Heat (Xiǎoshǔ, 小暑) July 07 04:25 PM July 06 10:11 PM July 07 03:57 AM July 07 09:50 AM
Great Heat (Dàshǔ, 大暑) July 23 09:44 AM July 22 03:34 PM July 22 09:23 PM July 23 03:07 AM
Autumn Begins (Lìqīu, 立秋) August 08 02:14 AM August 07 07:59 AM August 07 01:46 PM August 07 07:38 PM
Limit of Heat (Chúshǔ, 处暑) August 23 04:52 PM August 22 10:43 PM August 23 04:31 AM August 23 10:16 AM
White Dew (Báilù, 白露) September 08 05:16 AM September 07 11:00 AM September 07 04:49 PM September 07 10:41 PM
Autumnal Equinox (Qīufēn, 秋分) September 23 02:39 PM September 22 08:31 PM September 23 02:19 AM September 23 08:04 AM
Cold Dew (Hánlù, 寒露) October 08 09:05 PM October 08 02:49 AM October 08 08:39 AM October 08 02:31 PM
Frost's Descent (Shuāngjiàng, 霜降) October 24 12:11 AM October 23 06:04 AM October 23 11:51 AM October 23 05:38 PM
Winter Begins (Lìdōng, 立冬) November 08 12:27 AM November 07 06:12 AM November 07 12:03 PM November 07 05:54 PM
Light Snow (Xiǎoxuě, 小雪) November 22 09:55 PM November 22 03:49 AM November 22 09:36 AM November 22 03:24 PM
Great Snow (Dàxuě, 大雪) December 07 05:28 PM December 06 11:12 PM December 07 05:05 AM December 07 10:55 AM
Winter Solstice (Dōngzhì, 冬至) December 22 11:23 AM December 21 05:18 PM December 21 11:04 PM December 22 04:53 AM